Directive for the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Crypto Asset Service Providers Register) issued on 25 June 2021
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec) has issued the Directive for the Registration of Cryptoasset Service Providers (CSPs) in accordance with section 61E of the Law 188(I)/2007 (Law), the national Law transposing the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Directive 2018/843 (AMLD5) in Cyprus. According to the Law, providers carrying out activities in relation to cryptoassets must comply with the AMLD5 and register as a Cryptoasset Service Providers, in the CySec designated Register before the commencement of such activities.
The Directive regulates the registration and withdrawal of any registration, any material changes to each registration, the organisational and operational requirements for the CSPs as well as the applicable fees, click for more details.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact our law firm’s Financial Services Team. We will be happy to discuss and assist you on this matter.